Hijackers use cold drink as distraction

In the early hours of Sunday, at about 1.30am, a 31-year-old man was hijacked in Prince George Avenue, by armed robbers who threw cold drink in his face.

A man, who wants to remain anonymous, was driving in Prince George Avenue when he noticed that he was being followed by a Black Polo with four occupants.

“I kept on looking in my rearview mirror and then suddenly the car passed me and stopped right in front of my car,” he said.

“One of the occupants immediately got out of the vehicle and pointed a gun at me. There was no chance of getting away, so I stopped my vehicle.”

Another occupant, sitting in the back of the Polo, also climbed out, holding something in his hand.

“He opened my door and just started shaking what he had in his hand and threw the liquid over my face.”

“It tasted like cold drink. I was baffled by what happened; I didn’t do anything.”

“They then grabbed me and dragged me out of my car and then drove off with it.”

“I didn’t know where to go or what to do, because my cellphone was in my car, but I decided to walk to Springs, where my brother lives.”

A case of hijacking was opened at the Brakpan Police Station.

Also read:

Man (37) hijacked by bogus cops

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