Soft toys for children in trauma centres

The chaplain of EMS (Emotional Medical Support), Jorrie Jordaan, recently received a welcome donation of soft toys, which will be handed out to children in trauma centres all over Ekurhuleni.

“The children’s faces light up when you give them a soft toy; it’s good for their well-being,” said Jordaan.

“Just touching the soft toy calms them and brings a smile to their face.”

The donation formed part of a Soft Toy Drive, which was initiated by Silver Wolf Spur, Panarotti’s and John Dory’s, in the Mall@Carnival.

The campaign was well supported by the public and business owners.

One such business is The Overcoat Importers, in Benoni, which sponsored a huge number of soft toys for the project.

An anonymous businessman from Springs also made a big donation.

“We have been doing this project for 10 years now and, because of people like Brian Hurley (owner of The Overcoat Importers), we can give soft toys to children who need comfort,” said Danelle Steyn, group marketing manager for Renhold Foods Group.

The public can still donate soft toys at any of the three restaurants.

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