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Heed these CPR tips

CPR tips were given to staff members of Caxton East Rand at the Netcare Linmed Hospital, in Benoni, recently.

The course involved learning how to perform CPR on adults and infants, as well as how to help someone who is choking.

Kerry Henderson was the basic life support (BLS) instructor for the course and this is the knowledge she imparted:

Before performing CPR do the following:

  •  Tap the person on their shoulders (on the feet for infants) and shout at him/her to check the response.
  •  Yell for help.
  •  Call emergency services and try to get an automated external defibrillator (AED).
  •  Check the victims breathing.
  •  If the victim is unresponsive, or is not breathing, perform CPR.

CPR for an adult:

  •  Make sure the scene is safe.
  •  Ensure the person is lying on their back, on a flat, firm surface.
  •  Put the heel of one hand on the lower part of the breastbone.
  •  Put the heel of your other hand on top of the first.
  •  Push hard and push fast.
  •  Push straight down, at least five centimetres, at a minimum rate of 100 pushes per minute.
  •  After each push, let the chest come back up to its normal position.
  •  Continue until the person responds, or someone with more advanced training takes over.

Helping a choking adult:

  •  Ask the person whether he/she is choking.
  •  Get behind the person and wrap your arms around them.
  •  Make a fist with one hand.
  •  Place the thumb-side of your fist slightly above the belly button and well below the breastbone.
  •  Grasp your fist with your other hand and give a quick upward thrust into the belly.
  •  Give thrusts until the object is forced out and the person can breathe, or until the person stops responding.
  •  If a choking adult becomes unresponsive, lay them on the ground.
  •  Call emergency services and perform CPR if needed.

CPR for infants:

  • Make sure the scene is safe.
  • Ensure the infant is lying on their back, on a flat, firm surface, above the ground.
  • Place two fingers of one hand on the breastbone just below the nipple line.
  • Press the infants chest straight down, about three-and-a-half centimetres, at a minimum rate of 100 pushes per minute.
  • After each push, let the chest come back up to its normal position.
  • Give five sets of 30 pushes each, separated by two breaths (see below).
  • If the infant is still unresponsive, call emergency services.
  • Continue delivering sets of pushes and breaths, until the infant responds, or someone with more advanced training takes over.

Helping a choking infant:

  • Hold the infant face down on your forearm or lap.
  • Support the infants head and jaw with your hand.
  • Give up to five back slaps with the heel of your other hand, between the infants shoulder blades.
  • If the object blocking the infants airway, does not come out after this, turn the infant on their back, supporting the head.
  • Give up to five pushes on the chest in the same way as CPR for infants.
  • Repeat giving five back slaps and five chest thrusts, until the infant can breathe, or stops responding.
  • If the infant stops responding perform CPR for infants.

To give breaths to an adult, child or infant, do the following:

  • Place one hand on the forehead and the fingers of your other hand on the bony part of the chin.
  • Tilt the head back and lift the chin.
  • While holding the persons airway open, take a normal breath.
  • For adults and children, pinch the nose shut, and cover the persons mouth with your mouth or mouthpiece.
  • For infants, cover the nose and mouth with your mouth or mouthpiece.
  • Give two breaths, blowing for one second with each breath.
  • Watch for the chest to rise as you give breath, then stop.


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