Dial for help

For any police related problems in your area, call the Brakpan SAPS sector numbers below:

Sector 1

071 675 6954/55

Brakpan CBD, Brakpan West (dam), Anzac, Brakpan East (Power Street to Bedford Street, Voortrekker Road to Boundary Road) and Brakpan North.

Sector 2

071 675 6956/57

Brakpan Central, Dalview, Denneoord, Kenleaf, Larrendale, Dalpark, Dalpark Extension Five, Minnebron, Rand Collieries, Sunair Park, Sonneveld, Van Eck Park Extension Two, and Sallies Extensions Three and Four.

Sector 3

071 675 6958/59

Brenthurst, Vulcania, Maryvlei Industrial, Sallies Village, Mkhancwa Village, Sallies Hostel, Ergo Plant, Vulcania South and Western Platinum.

Sector 4

071 675 6960/61

Leachville Extensions One, Two and Three, Flamingo Ridge, Dalpark Extensions One, Six, Nine, 11 and 13, Helderwyk and the Carnival City area.

Rural areas

Sector policing in the local rural areas is coordinated by Sgt Annemarie Rudolph, who can be contacted on 071 675 6963.

Any serious complaints in these areas can be reported to Lieut Col Julius Masiye on 071 675 6962.

If you experience a crime in or around any of these areas in Brakpan, call 10111 or the relevant number listed above for immediate police assistance.

The Brakpan Police Station can be contacted on 011 744 4940.

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