Dalpark Six woman tells of robbery experience

"We've come here to kill you." These are the chilling words a Dalpark Extension Six woman will never forget, after she and her husband fell victim to violent armed robbers.

The couple, who asked to remain anonymous, hope their harrowing experience will serve as a warning to other residents.

The robbery took place on Thursday, August 28, at an address along Msasa Avenue.

“It was about 4.30pm; my husband (31) had gotten home from work and had left again to go to the shop,” said the wife (32).

“When he stopped at home again, there were three men in a white Audi A3 behind him.”

The woman told the Herald the men ran towards her husband, who sensed they wanted to hijack him.

“He got out of the car and was willing to let them take it, but, instead, they forced him inside the house,” she said.

“The first thing I saw was a man with a gun.”

The robbers forced the couple to lie on the floor, where they pistol-whipped the man and threatened to kill them both.

The couple were then locked in a bathroom.

“It felt like forever, but after about half an hour we broke down the door and called the police,” said the woman.

The couple were astounded to discover that the robbers had taken most of their belongings.

“They took clothes, television sets, DVD players, basically everything,” said the woman.

The robbers loaded the items into the woman’s white Volkswagen Polo and fled the scene.

“I just want everyone to know that they have to be cautious at all times,” she said.

“”Everybody seems to be on high alert when it’s dark, but this happened during the day.

“You also don’t expect people driving luxury vehicles to be criminals.”

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