CrimeEditor's noteNews

Be part of the crime solution

Brakpan police and the Community Policing Forum (CPF) will meet, to discuss crime problems and suggestions for residents of Sector Two and Three, on Tuesday, September 9.

Police remind residents that these meetings are for all concerned members of the community and not just members of the CPF.

The meeting for Sector Two residents will take place at 7pm, at the Volle Evangelie Kerk van God, which is situated at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Curry Street.

Sector Two comprises Brakpan Central, Dalview, Denneoord, Kenleaf, Larrendale, Dalpark, Dalpark Extension Five, Minnebron, Rand Collieries, Sunair Park, Sonneveld, Van Eck Park Extension Two and Sallies Extensions Three and Four.

A meeting for Sector Three residents — Brenthurst, Vulcania, Maryvlei Industrial, Sallies Village, Mkhancwa Village, Sallies Hostel, Ergo Plant, Vulcania South and Western Platinum — will take place at 7pm, at Laerskool Môrewag, which is situated along Evans Street, Brenthurst.

For more information contact Gert Griesel on 079 016 1155 (Sector Two), or Hennie Marais on 079 583 2648 (Sector Three).

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