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Illegal mining equipment siezed

The By-Laws Unit of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department recently uncovered illegal mining activities at three uncovered shafts in Brakpan.

According to EMPD spokesperson Chief Supt Wilfred Kgasago, the discovery was made near the Weltevreden Landfill Site, along Main Reef Road.

“When the Metro Police officers approached the place, several men took off and disappeared into the nearby area,” he said.

“The three shafts uncovered were cleverly concealed with shacks.

“The police could not pursue the suspects, as the area they escaped into is too sandy, slippery and marshy.”

EMPD officers confiscated two generators, hoses, bottles containing mercury and nitric acid, and five 20lt containers containing “some special kind of soil”.

The three shacks in which the equipment was kept were demolished.

All the confiscated materials and equipment were handed in at the Brakpan Police Station.

Kgasago added that plans to close the shafts are underway.

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