Elections 2014News

Parties contesting the elections

The following parties are contesting the national elections:

* African Christian Democratic Party

* African Indepent Congress

* African National Congress

* African People’s Convention

* Agang South Africa

* Al Jama-Ah

* Azanian People’s Organisation

* Bushbuckridge Residents Association

* Congress of the People

* Democratic Alliance

* Ecomonic Freedom Fighters

* First Nation Liberation Alliance

* Front Nasionaal/Front National

* Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa

* Inkatha Freedom Party

* Keep It Straight and Simple

* Kingdom Governance Movement

* Minority Front

* National Freedom Party

* Pan Africanist Congress of Azania

* Pan Africanist Movement

* Patriotic Alliance

* Peoples Alliance

* Ubuntu Party

* United Christian Democratic Party

* United Congress

* United Democratic Movement

* Vryheidsfront Plus

* Workers and Socialist Party

The following parties are contesting the provincial (Gauteng) elections:

* African Christian Democratic Party

* African National Congress

* African People’s Convention

* Agang South Africa

* Azanian People’s Organisation

* Congress of the People

* Democratic Alliance

* Economic Freedom Fighters

* Front Nasionaal/ Front National

* Indepent Civic Organisation of South Africa

* Inkatha Freedom Party

* Kingdom Governance Movement

* Lekgotla For Democracy Movement

* Merafong Civic Association

* Minority Front

* National Freedom Party

* Pan Africanist Congress of Azania

* Patriotic Alliance

* United Christian Democratic Party

* United Democratic Movement

* Vryheidsfront Plus

* Workers and Socialist Party

Information taken from the IEC website at www.elections.gov.za

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