Burnt puppy dumped

Brakpan SPCA staff were horrified when they discovered a six-week-old puppy with burn wounds dumped in their after-hours kennel, on Tuesday.

The little female cross-miniature pinscher puppy, who suffered a severe burn to her back, was forced into the kennels, which are locked during normal working hours.

SPCA staff found the injured puppy at about 1pm.

“The owners did not come into our offices, but rather squeezed the puppy into our locked after-hours kennels without informing us that it needed assistance,” said SPCA manager Lorraine Coombs.

“The little puppy didn’t even have teeth yet and should have still been with her mom.

“We took her in and gave her some Milko-pup and proper puppy food; she ate and drank until she couldn’t take in anymore.”

The puppy was taken to a local veterinarian for medical assistance, but was euthanased due to the extent of her injury.

Coombs suspects that hot water or oil caused the burn.

The society has requested that the public communicate with them effectively when they place sick or injured animals in the after-hours kennels.

“We don’t want animals to suffer,” said Coombs.

“We also request that the public help to take care of our community’s animals; we are all they have and we are their voice.”

The Brakpan SPCA can be contacted on 011 742 2007.

The puppy was taken to a vet and euthanased due to the extent of her injury.
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