Local beauty crowned

Sonneveld resident Cindy Oosthuizen (31) has been crowned the first runner-up in the Mrs United Nations South Africa 2014 pageant.

The bubbly and beautiful mother of four also walked away with the Fitness Award at the crowning event, which was held at the Atterbury Theatre, in Pretoria, on Monday, November 18.

The Christian-based pageant recognises married women who make a difference in their communities and add value to the lives of others.

Cindy was nominated for the pageant by Brakpan resident René Viljoen, a former Mrs United Nations South Africa finalist.

“I really didn’t expect to be first runner-up, as there was such a strong competition,” said Cindy.

“I was totally amazed, but God has a plan for each one of us.

“I believe that all the finalists were winners, because they are all Godly women and make huge differences in their communities.”

Cindy hopes to start her own organisation next year, to help people and children in Brakpan.

She is especially passionate about making a difference in the lives of little ones and has raised funds for children with cerebral palsy.

She is also a regular helper at soup kitchens and food packing events for the less fortunate.

This work earned her a Social Uplifting Award from the Eastern Chamber of Commerce, during their President’s Merit Award evening, at Carnival City, on Thursday, November 7.

“I am blessed and for that reason I will help others, because that is what God wants us to do,” she said.

Cindy works alongside her husband, Robbie, in their family-owned door manufacturing business, and credits him with letting her live her dream.

“He supports me in absolutely everything I do,” she said.

Cindy’s spare time is spent with Robbie and their children, Megan (9), Dylan (7), Diane (2) and Mishke-Ann (1).

As part of her official duties, Cindy will be heading to Florida, in the United States, in the near future, to compete in the Mrs United Nations International pageant.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank God for everything in my life,” she added.

“I am blessed with a wonderful husband and four healthy kids.”

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