House break-ins still on the rise

Brakpan police have reiterated their warning to residents to ensure their homes are properly protected against criminals, after burglars were out in full force over the past weekend.


On Friday, a home in Camelthorn Crescent, in Dalpark Extension Six, was burgled, and four break-ins were reported on Saturday.

These took place at addresses along Kirschner Road in Withok Estates, Torchwood Street in Dalpark Extension Six, Louis Leipoldt Street in Dalpark Extension Nine and Hamilton Avenue.

On Sunday, a house along Germains Street was burgled and another home in Louis Leipoldt Street, in Dalpark Extension Nine, fell victim to burglars.

The Herald recently reported on an increase in house break-ins all over town (“Police warn about house break-ins”, September 13).


While police are doing everything in their power to curb the problem, they have urged residents to be vigilant and to make sure it is as difficult as possible for criminals to gain access to their homes.

Residents are also encouraged to report any suspicious-looking people, vehicles or activities to the SAPS sector vehicles in their area, or to the police station, on 011 744 4940.

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