Blood pressure — The silent killer

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes in South Africa, yet three out of four people do not even know they have it.

With World Hypertension Day (WHD) being held today, May 17, ER24 is urging people to have their blood pressure measured.

It is an easy and pain-free test, but could potentially save thousands of lives.

ER24 is also urging people who know they have hypertension to also measure their blood pressure to ensure it is adequately lowered.

Many people using blood pressure medication still have very high blood pressures and assume it is controlled.

Individuals may feel normal and healthy and as a result, are not aware they are at a very high risk for stroke or heart attack, which is why hypertension is called the silent killer.

“This is why all individuals are strongly encouraged to get their blood pressure tested and know their numbers,” said  Alta Schutte, president of the Southern African Hypertension Society and executive council member of  the International Society of Hypertension.

Jessica Byrne, a dietitian at The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa, said an estimated 11 million South Africans live with hypertension.

“South Africa has one of the highest hypertension rates worldwide. A recent international survey found eight in 10 adults over the age of 50 in South Africa have high blood pressure,” said Byrne.

“This was the highest of the six countries measured and the highest prevalence ever measured worldwide.”

She added that heart disease and strokes are the second leading cause of death in South Africa, responsible for one in six deaths, or 220 deaths per day.

“There are a few risk factors beyond our control such as age, family history of hypertension and being diabetic.”

“However, our unhealthy lifestyles are largely to blame. What we eat, being overweight or obese, smoking, drinking too much alcohol and stress are some of the contributing factors,” she said.


Too much salt is a key driver of hypertension.

“Many South Africans eat too much salt. More than half of the salt we eat, is added by manufacturers during the processing of foods,” said Byrne.

“Often these foods don’t look or taste salty. The rest of the salt we eat comes from salt we add during cooking and salt sprinkled on at the table.”

She said bread is the biggest contributor to South Africans’ salt intake.

Other foods with a lot of hidden salt include breakfast cereals, processed meat, flavouring, savoury snacks, margarine and butter.

Byrne urged people to read the ingredients list and nutritional information table on the food packaging.

“If you see ‘salt’, ‘MSG’ or any ingredient with the word ‘sodium’ listed as one of the first three ingredients, the product is likely to be high in salt,” she said.

According to Schutte one way of lowering salt intake includes removing salt shakers from the table.

“Many people have the habit of adding salt to their food even before tasting. Also, when preparing food at home, gradually lower the amount of salt added,” she said.


According to Byrne, at least one in 10 children in South Africa are already diagnosed with high blood pressure.

She said this is worrying especially as these children stand a greater risk of developing severe health problems as young adults.

Steps to beat hypertension

Byrne said about 80 per cent of heart attacks and strokes can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle.

There are three important steps to beating hypertension: diagnosis, starting treatment and achieving hypertension control.

Schutte added, “Everyone should get their blood pressure tested. Those that have a family member who suffered from hypertension, a stroke, a heart attack or kidney disease, are especially encouraged to check their blood pressure annually.”

ER24’s Emergency Contact Centre can be reached 24 hours a day on 084 124 for any medical emergency.

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