
Age limit increase for speed dating

Due to popular demand and numerous requests, we have now increased our age limit for the speed dating event from 25 to 35 years to 25 to 50 years old.

With speed dating, not only will you get dates immediately, but you will also have the opportunity to practice talking to members of the opposite sex.

Before you dismiss the idea of speed dating, consider the benefits.

Not only is it a good time out, but you have the power to choose someone who shares the same interests as you.

The great thing about speed dating is that the limited amount of time allocated will create less awkward silences, since both parties want to create a good impression and talk about interesting topics.

The environment is also designed to help the participants feel at ease.

If youā€™re always complaining that you never get to meet new people in your life, you can meet a big group of new faces all in one night. Variety, is after all, the spice of life, so even if you donā€™t find your soulmate at the event, the experience itself will be enriching and memorable.

This is how the event will go down:

Each person will have three minutes to get to know the other person, before moving on to the next table.

To enter for the event, simply fill in the form and submit it by email to meganb@caxton.co.za.

Forms can be downloaded from our website.

We will only be accepting entries from 25 men and 25 women.

The event is open to single people, between the ages of 25 to 50 years old.

If your application is successful, we will contact you with further details.

The event will cost R150 and includes a welcome drink and goodie bag.

Applications close on May 15.

For more information contact Megan van As on 011 916 5330.

Carmen Norton

Features project managerFeatures project manager, Caxton Community Newspapers (2006 - 2020)

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