
We demand answers from council

Henry Tiedemann writes by email: The time has come to demand from our incompetent municipality to give us answers as to why we continually experience lengthy power outages and what is being done to fix the problem.

Their accounting system also seems to be in a chaotic situation, as all three accounts I received this month are incorrect — they send out and charge for “Final Notices” when the account has been paid.

Trying to get someone with a little bit of intelligence to sort out the problem is virtually impossible, and that is if they answer their phones, as the municipal phones are either permanently engaged or ring unanswered.

The building inspector’s office is also a nonentity as they simply refuse to take any action against people with illegal buildings being erected or have the courtesy to reply to written queries.

As far as I can tell, the only efficient operation in Brakpan is speed trapping, however, all other traffic violations are totally ignored.

We are paying exorbitant rates and taxes and municipal valuations are way above the true market value, yet the service delivery is non-existent.

It is not surprising that so many municipalities are experiencing violent protests and the burning of municipal buildings if residents have to accept such sub standards.

Our municipal elections are coming soon, and I trust the residents of this town take note of what little the current officials are doing for those who voted them into office.

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