
Zema’s Zodiac

A weekly horoscope:

Leo (23 July – 22 August)
“I admit it. It was my fault”. (That’s okay, you’re only subhuman …)It was your fault that you got so down in the dumps and lost your get-up-and-go to the point where opening your eyes was an effort. However, things are looking brighter (the sun! the sun! the sun!), and you can start feeling better about life in general. Now you can start being nicer to people, for a change. (Miracles!!)

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
“I’d go to the ends of the earth for you.” (Yep, but would you stay there?) Right now you need to find a special place that is just for you with no stress or interruptions. If you can manage to get away on a short holiday, do this as soon as possible. It might just save your own life or the lives of others who are starting to wield sharp instruments in your direction. Run Virgo, run!!

Libra (23 September – 22 October)
“How do you like my outfit?” (Please, not while I’m eating.) You think you are coping so well with that love disappointment, but you are horribly wrong. No matter what face you are showing to the world, you are sliding downhill, BECAUSE you will not let go and allow your anger to surface for once and for all. How about it, Lib? Could clear the air for all concerned.  GIVE IT A GO!

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
You know what? Right now, a mind-reader would only charge you half-price! You have this huge choice of career options and you keeping stinging yourself in the foot. Make a decision fast and stick to it – money’s always good, especially if you are considering moving, travelling, hobbling, whatever … Your partner could do with a bit of communication with you now. (Why??)

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
Misunderstanding someone is your speciality, most of the time. You seem to think that there is always a plot afoot, aimed especially at you. So what makes you so “vital”, Sag? Is it that you sometimes go overboard with control issues? This does not auger well for an important decision you have to make about job and relationship shortly. If you’re thinking of moving, think several times.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
You’re trying to pitch horseshoes without taking them off the horse, Cap! Stop trying to tackle everything at once – just for a change, take things one at a time. Think you can manage this? The focus is on money right now, so the sooner you tackle this (without boxing gloves) the sooner you will come to an agreement that suits everyone. Watch out for someone slippery at work.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
Can you count to twenty without taking your shoes off? This does not appear to be the case right now. That thing most people refer to as a brain is definitely not working for you at the moment. You’re giving your partner a hard time and it’s not going down well. Better calm down Aqua, you need to discuss whatever is on your mind, but preferably, CALMLY, without sharp things in your hand.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Sometimes Pisces, you’re as slippery as a wet fish … We know you come out of the Gene Pool of Cool, but really, time to find some direction and keep at it till you make it. Opportunities abound in all spheres and once you put your mind to something, you very seldom go wrong. All you need is the Bright Idea – just keep swimming, just keep swimming, and get on with it. Success awaits.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)
“I was sane once – didn’t like it…” We know, that’s why most people approach you with weapons drawn. Your famous Aries temper is not far below the surface, so try and keep a lid on it. Money is about to improve (miracles will never cease!), but most of it is from your own efforts, as usual. Sometimes the Aries insanity can come up with the most amazing ideas. So employ it.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
“I’m not tense, just terribly A*L*E*R*T!” We know Taurus, and family life is NOT quite what you would want right now. If your partner is acting a little odd (or odder than usual) you need to have a serious discussion. Try not to say the wrong things if you want to save the day. (Or DO you?). Perhaps a sort- of- holiday could do you both good, together or separately. Do the Alert Thing!

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
My brain has a mind of its own! Gee, really? Made any decisions lately? Know this word at all? Everybody keeps rooting for you, and you just keep facillating between suggestions, decisions, ideas, etc. etc. Try and Get Organised (what are we saying?) if you want to make that fortune you have always dreamt about. Selling ghosts to a psychic is child’s play for you, so how about it? Soon.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
Life is a rotten job and the hours are a bitch. We all know this, but you sometimes take it to extremes. Sooner or later your partner will come to the party, as long as you can keep your patience. Just a little longer … A new path in your career awaits you, but once again, don’t go overboard; take it as it comes. You just seem to get better and better at what you do. Keep doing.

Contact Zema on 083 430 1456.

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