
Zema’s Zodiac

A weekly horoscope.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July) 
You are being pudding-brained again, Cancer! The job you are doing is fine, but you need to look at other options AS WELL. Selling ice to Eskimos is your speciality, one that is greatly envied by other starsigns. Put it to good use and make a bag (s) of money without even trying too hard. Watch the moon – it’s always inspirational, even though it makes you go nuts, or rather nutSER.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)
Its not your Job to be a Snob, so how about you let down your hair for a change and party with the Peasants? You need to get away from your obsession with your job for a while and actually enjoy yourself, if you can even spell this word. Your partner needs attention (when does he/she not? The focus is always on you)  – he/she needs to discuss money issues with you. Good luck to him/her.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
I looked up “empty” in the dictionary, and there was a picture of your head. It did not surprise me, as that so-called brain of yours is just not making the grade. You could achieve so much if you concentrate on what really matters – money – rather than on the details of the endless lists you keep making of things-to-do. So do them and achieve something. Even your poor partner will be impressed.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)
You look tired, Libra. Have you been thinking? A rare instance, but it appears that at last you are getting to the point where you can start to try and understand your partner. He/she is not particularly easy to live with either, but finally, you’ve realised that negotiation is better than donning the boxing gloves. If you are planning a People Get-together, check the details before you rush in.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
Weren’t you featured on “Lifestyles of the Really Stupid”? You have to realize that, sooner or later, you have to let go of the past. You can’t redo it, no matter how hard you try, so give up and move ON. If you’re changing homes right now, make sure of the details before you sign. Your partner is losing patience with you and your hard-done-by act, so drop it and again, MOVE ON. Get it?

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
A word to the wise. Oh well, that sure leaves you out. Let’s move on. Work is in the limelight again, and you’re going to have to decide exactly what you want out of your job. You can get it too, especially if you take note of all the details that others may have missed. You could come out looking the best – won’t that be a change? A home situation needs a decision too – the sooner the better.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
You look tired, Cap; have you been thinking? Well, think harder. That person that means everything to you has got to be made to understand that you and him/her belong together. Just hinting at it is not good enough – be straight and give it your all. What’s to lose? The answer will determine your path one way or another, but at least you’ll know where you are, more or less …

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
You have the brains of a flea sometimes. In fact, most times, but in this case you’d better wake up and get with it. You HAVE to make work decisions, whether you want to or not.  Opportunities abound, but you need to pick one and stick with it. You are so good at detail. Take control and come out looking intelligent for a change. Get straight and be armed – hunting is no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
WHAT, Pisces? There are times that you closely resemble somebody who thinks serial killers put poison in peoples’ cornflakes… Find a path and follow it, will you? You are greatly spiritually aware – you just need to apply yourself  more. You could help so many people, not least of all yourself. Time to wake up and smell the coffeeee! Spiritually you could achieve the most amazing things.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)
With the amount of brains you are using right now, a mind-reader would only charge you half-price! You have an awesome list of things to do that can make you Rich and Famous, but you’re just not organized enough. Get someone to GET you organized and then go out there and make a million. You are one of the most versatile signs in the Zodiac, if you will just USE THE BRAINS.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
You think you go to a garage sale to buy a garage …? Or a flower pot is used to cook flowers? Come on Taurus, get with it – now is the time for you to look at your surroundings and make them more amenable ; this could go a long way to improving customer relations, whether you work from home or in an office. Appearances are everything – they sell the product, whatever it is.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
Romance, romance, romance! Look up the meaning of this word and it may encourage you to apply some of it to your partner, poor beleagured person that he/she is. Or you may be looking at a new relationship and not be sure how to approach it. However you decide to do it, do it right the first time and you will never regret it. Stop veering from path to path, G! It gets so boring …

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