
Murder suspects go free

An alleged lack of evidence resulted in the release of three men, arrested in connection with the murder of Chinese national Asjin-Chen He (36).

The Herald reported in last week’s edition how He was shot and killed during an attempted robbery outside MC Liquor Store, on Saturday evening, March 22.

According to police information, three men arrived at the store, which is situated at the corner of Stoffberg Avenue and Prince George Avenue, at about 8pm, and tried to force their way inside.

When He attempted to push them out, the would-be robbers fired shots at him, wounding him in the stomach.

The men fled and He was declared dead on the scene.

Three men, aged 30, 34 and 37, were arrested for He’s murder on Wednesday, last week.

Capt Joep Joubert, spokesperson for the Brakpan Police Station commander, told the Herald that two of the men were arrested in Daveyton and the third at the Actonville Hostel.

“Two members of the task team and a police reservist hunted for the suspects, with one officer even working while off duty,” said Joubert.

“The trio were due to appear in the Brakpan Magistrates Court on Friday, last week, but the case was not placed on the roll, due to a lack of evidence, and the suspects were released.”

A source close to the investigation, however, claimed that there was sufficient evidence to charge the men.

“One of them had confessed and they were identified on CCTV footage from the bottle store,” said the man.

“The decision to let them go smells of corruption and I feel sorry for the victim’s family; they have been let down by the justice system in this country.”

According to information received from a reliable source, the prosecutor’s decision not to enrol the case is correct.

“There is no hard evidence linking these men to the murder,” said the source.

The source stated that only two of the arrested men are seen on the CCTV footage, which only places them at the scene.

“In addition, the confession by one of them, the alleged driver, admits to nothing other than he had stopped outside the bottle store,” said the source.

The source told the Herald that while the confession and two statements by the arrested men was contradictory, which is suspicious, it was not hard evidence.

“All we can tell from this, is that the men were there.” said the source.

“This is just not enough to enrol the case.”

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One Comment

  1. We need an update from the brakpan police on the Dhiresh Ramphal murder that took place on the 21st October 2012. He was shot by a security guard at the boom gates.can you please publish the update on your next edition of the brakpan herald

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