
Still waiting for justice

A Dalpark Extension One family, who lost their son and brother in a tragic shooting accident more than a year ago, are still waiting for justice.

Kevin Rampal, the father of 20-year-old Dhiresh Rampal, who was shot by a security guard in October 2012 and later died, has, to date, not heard anything from Brakpan police about the investigation.

“It eats me up every day and we’ve had no closure as a family,” he said.

Dhiresh had left his Anker Road home on the Sunday afternoon of October 21, 2012, when he was shot in the head.

It is alleged that a security guard stationed at the boom gates at the Viking Road entrance into the suburb accidentally discharged his gun as Dhiresh was driving past.

Dhiresh was rushed to the Union Hospital, in Alberton, where he was placed on life support and his family — father Kevin, mother Shanitha and brothers Sasheen and Kiresh — kept a vigil at his bedside.

He died two weeks later, on November 7, 2012.

The Herald reported at the time that a 27-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the shooting, but was later released.

This was because the docket had not been placed on the court roll, due to outstanding investigations, and more information was needed by the prosecutor.

“I have been running around ever since, trying to get information,” said Kevin.

“No one from the police has ever bothered to contact us and we’ve heard absolutely nothing from them in all this time.”

Capt Joep Joubert, spokesperson for the Brakpan Police Station, told the Herald that the case has been finalised and is going to court on Wednesday, April 16.

“The family are welcome to contact the investigating officer, WO Albert van Wyk, at any time,” he added.

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  1. Why does the brakpan police take so long to finalise the case which has been after 18 months – what are their findings
    Why don’t they have the decency on keeping the deceased family informed.

  2. how is the security company going to compensate the Ramphal family for the tragic loss

  3. They say that time heals pain but with no response from the state the situation gets worse Hope the matter is properly investigated and justice prevails although we cannot get back Dhiresh (he had a bright future ahead)

  4. This is a sad case, we have lost a life, the
    police has the suspect and the company he worked for, why is the justice system so slow ? We need to know the truth.
    Why was the family not compensated for expenses incurred.
    The police need to expedite their investigations and also keep the family updated.

  5. We understand that this is democratic SA, But the police are so slack!! Its over a year and half damn it!! The police have all the evidence including the suspect. Now that the suspect was released, the cops will say “we cannot find him”. The question to ask “Is the security company involved in some back hand work here and interfering with investigations!!’This is murder!!! Why release the suspect. We need to report this matter to the Minister of Police URGENTLY!! The suspect and the security company must be brought forward and charged accordingly. Dhiresh, wherever you are, do your incognito work from up there.

  6. Dhiresh’s death is painful for the family.We hope that the matter is not postponed on the 16 April and the case is finalised without any hindrances.We trust in God and He will ensure that the correct justice will be served.This will not bring back Dhiresh but at least the family will have closure.

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