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Lots will be happening in Brakpan, so diarise these dates

See what is happening in Brakpan.

• October 14
Sip ‘n Crochet is hosting g a crochet day at the Brakpan Garden and Pet Centre from 10:00 to 14:30. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to advanced. To book your space (R200) contact Heather Benderman on 083 580 4756. Crocheters have to bring their own 4.5mm needles and tools, but yarn will be supplied. Lunch will be between 12:15 and 13:00.

• 14 Oktober
Die Pinkster Bediening, Brakpan bied ‘n kermis aan te Abramowitsstraat 14b, Brakpan-Noord. Persone wat belangstel om stalletjies te bespreek kan vir past Jannie Fourie by 083 690 1634 kontak.

• 27 Oktober
NG Gemeente Brakpan Oos bied ‘n fliek-aand aan om 18:30 vir 19:00, in kerksaal op die hoek van Lappingstraat en Boundaryweg. Kaartjies is R40 en sluit springmielies in. Snoepie beskikbaar en karwagte op hul pos. Skakel Chantelle van der Walt by 064 914 6371 vir meer inligting en kaartjies.

• October 28
The East Rand Children’s Haven (ERCH) will hold their mERCHandise market from 09:00 to 15:00. The first 10 vendors to book a stall will be able to book for free. No food or drinks stalls will be allowed, as ERCH is selling their own food and drinks. For more information, or to book a stall, contact Diane Burger on 082 565 7777.

• 29 Oktober
Die opedag van die Just Wheels Motorklub vind in die vorm van ‘n Bakkie-dag plaas. Eienaars van bakkies word uitgenooi om hul voertuie te gaan uitstal. Daar sal ook talle ander aktiwiteite en vermaak deur die loop van die dag plaasvind. Die toegang is gratis. Die klubhuis is te Kitzingerlaan 169 geleë.

• November 4
Medley house will be presenting a Classic Romantic concert from 17:00. The event will take place in the Crystal Hall, at their venue, situated at 9 Lark Street in Anzac. To book tickets to view the performance or to enjoy dinner and the show, contact the venue on 064 6814586.

• General

• Brakpan parkrun is open every Saturday at 07:50 at the Brakpan Sports Centre (across from the library). Runners, walkers and volunteers are welcome. It is free, just bring your running tag/barcode. You run, walk or jog at your own pace.

• Die Brakpan-tak van die Vroue Landbou Unie vergader elke tweede Dinsdag van die maand om 10:00 by die Just Wheels Motorklub se klubhuis, Kitzingerlaan 169. Belangstellendes kan Elsabe Grobler by 082 891 4514 kontak.

• A second-hand clothing sale will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 08:00 to 11:30 at the NG Kerk Brakpan-Oos, corner of Boundary Road and High Street. Good-quality clothing at discount prices. Call Hester Bosch at 083 307 0649.

If you have an event planned, you can submit it for inclusion in the Happenings column. These include community projects, fêtes, school events, church fundraisers and more.

The events included in this section are done at the editor’s discretion. The deadline for submission of entertainment events is 11:00 on Monday. Email details to thelma@caxton.co.za

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