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SAPS to prioritise GBV

“GBV and crimes against women and children are a priority,”

The SAPS in Ekurhuleni has a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence (GBV) and condemns all forms of crimes against women and children.

This is according to Ekurhuleni district commissioner Major General Anna Sithole, who led an integrated Operation Okae Molao in Putfontein on February 9.

This statement comes after the killing of several women in the country, allegedly by their partners in January. This included a Crystal Park woman who was allegedly murdered by her partner of 13 years.

“GBV and crimes against women and children are a priority,” said Sithole.

Major General Anna Sithole was at the Operation Okae Molao in Putfontein on February 8 and 9.

The commissioner urged women to leave when they notice signs of abusive behaviour from their partners.

“The majority of GBV cases are committed by partners. In most instances, they have a history of abuse. I appeal to women that as they notice red flags, they must leave the toxic relationship.

“The partner will start by abusing you verbally, then it moves to physical abuse and then he might kill you,” she said.

Sithole appealed to men to seek help if they are going through a stressful period rather than taking it out on their partners.

“I appeal to men to stop resorting to violence of any kind if things aren’t going well in their relationship. If things don’t work out, move on instead of choosing to assault your partner.”

Major General Anna Sithole.

State of crime in Ekurhuleni

Sithole explained there was an increase in community-reported crimes from October to December last year.

“We still have a challenge with community-reported crimes where people assault and murder one another. A total of 17 cases were reported from October to December.

“However, we managed to decrease car and truck hijackings, robberies and robberies with aggravating circumstances.

“We promise the community we will clamp down on crimes of any kind. We will be out in full force as we know Operation Okae Molao is every Thursday and Saturday. We target high crime reporting stations to ensure crime is reduced in the region,” she said.

A motorist is unhappy after being stopped. After he was searched, the officers found his driver’s licence had expired.

Withdrawal of cases

According to Sithole, there’s an alarming withdrawal of cases, which is a challenge to the SAPS.

She pleaded with victims to refrain from withdrawing cases because this creates a cycle as the perpetrators of violence and crime repeat the offences once released.

“We’ve noticed that about 80% of the reported cases are withdrawn. We as SAPS don’t allow for the withdrawal of cases. However, the victims are withdrawing their cases in court.

“As a result, this creates a cycle as the suspects are released back to society because the law couldn’t deal with them. They then continue to commit the crime.

“We appeal to the community that once a case is opened to leave it to the courts so that the law could deal with the perpetrators.”

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