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In the spotlight

Tinus Jordaan is the vice-chairperson of the Brakpan CPF.

Tinus Jordaan has been the vice-chairperson of the Brakpan CPF for the last few years. He has lived in Brenthurst for 22 years and is married to Lisa.

What do your duties as vice-chairperson entail?
– I am there to assist the community in resolving serious matters of crime. I help bridge the gap between SAPS and the Brakpan community. I also attend and host many meetings with SAPS, stakeholders, community groups and councillors as we all care about Brakpan and want to make it the safest town in South Africa.

How long have you been part of the CPF?
– I have been part of the CPF for the last five years.

What made you decide to get involved?
– I was a police reservist in Springs many years ago and enjoyed the work of helping and protecting the community.

– With my children are grown up and my business up and running, I had more time on my hands and wanted to get back to being involved in community work.
It’s important to live a life of purpose and to give back if you are blessed.

What is your occupation?
I have my own business doing building work, business and home renovations, electricity and fencing.

Why is it important to have a well-functioning CPF in our town?
– It is extremely important, as the reality is that SAPS cannot be everywhere and the criminals know this and use it to their advantage. If every member of the community belonged to the CPF and acted as the ears and eyes for law enforcement it would help in eradicating crime.

– I work hard with a dedicated team of members to ensure that the CPF runs well and that patrollers are patrolling as much as possible.

What would you say is the solution to the crime problem in South Africa?
– Community members have to stop moaning about crime and do something about it, like joining the CPF or other community patrol groups to work together in ensuring visible policing.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
– I love to braai and hang out with my family and friends. Patrolling for the CPF is also what I enjoy.

Do you prefer the bushveld or the sea and why?
– I like both but prefer the bush – just sitting, starting a fire and listening to the sounds of the bush heals the soul.

What can’t you live without?
– My wife, children and my braai.

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