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Newly-built shacks demolished at Location Road informal settlement

The EMPD will continue to closely monitor the area to ensure no further land invasions take place.

The EMPD acted swiftly to demolish newly-built shacks in the informal settlement along Location Road.

Read: Tensions flare over Location Road

According to EMPD spokesperson Chief Supt Wilfred Kgasago, the EMPD Brakpan precinct commander received information last week about groups of people illegally erecting shacks in the area.

“The precinct commander sought assistance from various specialised services units to stop the illegal invasion,” said Kgasago.

“A swift response from the EMPD K9, Public Order Policing, First Responder Unit, Land Invasion Unit and traffic wardens converged at the location with the result that more than 50 freshly put up illegal structures were flattened and the material confiscated.

“The land invaders claimed that they had purchased sites from a man they claimed had since passed on.

“It was unclear as to how much they paid for the stands.”

Kgasago added that the EMPD will continue to closely monitor the area to ensure no further land invasions take place.

Also read: Housing project to go ahead

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