
What is happening in Brakpan

Looking to be entertained? Here are things for you to do.

• 24-25 Augustus

Die jaarlikse Pannefees word op die sportgronde van Laerskool Die Arend aangebied. Kunstenaars soos Dewald Wasserfall, Arno Jordaan, Ricky Faber en vele ander tree op. Baie stalletjies, vermaak vir die kinders, biertuin en veilige parkering. Besoek www.panne-fees.co.za vir meer inligting of skakel 071 880 7247.

• August 26

The Just Wheels Car Club will host an open day and flea market from 9am at the clubhouse situated at 169 Kritzinger Avenue, Dalview. Contact Hannetjie van der Mescht (082 263 7567) for more information.

• 27-30 Augustus

Laerskool Die Arend se revue, Mardi Gras, vind plaas. Die vertoning vir bejaardes is 27 Augustus om 3nm. Die vertoning vir kleuterskole van die dorp is 28 Augustus om 10vm. Die publiek kan vanaf 28-30 Augustus die aandvertonings vanaf 7nm bywoon. Al die vertonings vind in die Hoërskool Stoffberg se skoolsaal plaas. Skakel vir Wanda Neveling vir kaartjies (011 740 9870).

• August 29

A Brakpan Women United in Prayer meeting will be held at the Assembly of God Fellowship, 114 Germains Street at 2pm. For more information contact Lynne van Wyk (082 351 1331).

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a business network meeting at 8.30am. There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact Chantelle du Plessis (chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050).


Hirsch’s Carnival.

• August 30

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a domestic workers course at 9am. There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact Chantelle du Plessis (chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050).

• 31 Augustus

Die NG-kerk Brakpan-Noord hou 6n kermis vanaf 5nm. Talle kosstalletjies, interessanthede en vermaak, asook ’n boereorkes, wat gaan optree. Die kerk is geleë te Gardinerlaand 101 (oorkant die swembad). Vir meer inligting kontak vir Else van der Vyfer (011 740 2241).

Die NG-kerk Dalview hou ’n basaar vanaf 4nm tot 8nm. Besoekers kan uitsien na ’n kunsmark, motorfietstentoonstelling en heerlike eetgoed. Die kerk is te Actonlaan 7 geleë. Persone wat tafels vir die kunsmark wil bespreek kan vir Susan Limper kontak (084 616 2848). Ander navrae kan aan Lucinda Crous gerig word (011 740 0178).

• 1 September

Tutela Gesinsorg/Family Care, Brakpan, bied ’n ringkermis aan by die NG Gemeente Brakpan-Wes vanaf 8.30vm. Die Bibliathon 2018 reël ook ’n Bybel pretloop, -pretdraf, -trap of -rol oor vyf kilometer op dieselfde oggend vir fondse vir die Bybelgenootskap. Dit begin om 10vm. Die kerk is op die hoek van Reitzlaan en Paul Krugerstraat, Dalview, geleë. Vir meer inligting skakel vir Naomi Mostert (011 744 4020).

• September 1

Annual Craft Beer Festival will be held at the Cosy Corner Shellhole situated at 2 Zeeman Street, Brenthurst, from 9am. To book a stall call Janet van Aarde (073 914 9955) or Corrie de Wet (078 246 35712).

• September 4

The Frontline People Church will be hosting an Alpha Course at the Thabong Wedding and Conference Venue, every Tuesday evening for 10 consecutive weeks at 6.30pm. The course is free of charge. For more information contact Christopher Preston (073 079 5605).

• September 5

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a business network meeting at 8.30am. There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact Chantelle du Plessis (chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050).

• 7 September

Die NG-kerk Brakpan-Oos, op die hoek van Lapping- en Boundaryweg, hou ’n feesmark wat om 3nm sal begin. Heerlike eetgoed, vlooimarkstalletjies, tombola en musiek. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD) sal vanaf 3nm teenwoordig wees vir diegene wat wil bloed skenk. Vlooimarkstalletjies kan by Alta Rudolph bespreek word (083 396 7591).

• September 8

The Sound of Musicals is a light-hearted musical concert. Bring your family and friends and enjoy a lip-smacking high tea and a fun-filled musical experience at 3pm at the NG-kerk Dalpark, 22 Boekenhout Street. Tickets are available from Computicket. Call Lanie Coetzer (082 940 9001).

• 12 September

Greta Wiid is die spreker by ’n fondsinsamelingsprojek wat deur die Godly Season Ministries Caregroep gereël word. Die tema vir haar aanbieding is “Sit die Va-Va-Voom Terug in jou Huwelik”. Die geleentheid vind by die NG-kerk Dalpark te Boekenhoutstraat 22 om 7nm plaas. Skakel vir Lorraine Botha (082 780 7056) vir kaartjies.

• 14 September

Hoërskool Die Anker bied ’n boeredans met boereorkes in die skoolsaal om 6.30nm aan. ’n Ete is by die prys van die kaartjies ingesluit. Skakel Dina Abbott vir kaartjies (011 817 1321).

• September 28

The Just Wheels Car Club will host a night market from 5pm at the clubhouse, situated at 169 Kritzinger Avenue, Dalview. Contact Hannetjie van der Mescht (082 263 7567) for more information.

Just Wheels.

• 29 September

Die Brakpan-tak van die Vroue Landbou-Unie vier hul 58ste bestaansjaar met ’n Vrolike VLU Lente Makietie waartydens Danie van der Westhuizen gaan optree. Die funksie word in die saal van die NG-kerk Brakpan-Wes om 10vm gehou. Skakel Elsabé Grobler vir kaartjies (082 891 4514).

• October 28

The Just Wheels Car Club will host an open day and flea market from 9am at the clubhouse, situated at 169 Kritzinger Avenue, Dalview. Contact Hannetjie van der Mescht (082 263 7567) for more information.

• 30 November

The Just Wheels Motorklub hou ’n Kersmark vanaf 5nm by die klubhuis wat te 69 Kritzingerlaan 69, Davliew, geleë is. Kontak vir Hannetjie van der Mescht (082 263 7567) vir meer inigting.

• December 7

The Just Wheels Car Club will host a Carols by Candlelight evening from 5pm at the clubhouse, situated at 169 Kritzinger Avenue, Dalview. Residents are welcome to attend. Take along a picnic basket and blanket. Contact Hannetjie van der Mescht (082 263 7567) for more information.

Lees ook: Dis weer tyd vir die Pannefees


• Monday

Brakpan residents are invited to join the Nigel Bridge Group. Bridge is played every Monday from 9am to 1pm in the NG-kerk hall on the corner of Rudd and Harries roads, Dunnottar. New members, with or without a partner, are welcome. For information contact Sylvia Gallichan (082 756 3223).

• Tuesday

The Brakpan Homecrafts Society meets every first Tuesday of the month at the St Peter’s Anglican Church hall at 10am. New members are welcome. For more information contact Jane Donker (011 915 2539).

• A Narcotics Anonymous meeting for people who have a problem with drugs – or think they may have a problem with drugs – is held every Tuesday at 7.30pm at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.

• Die Brakpan-tak van die Vroue Landbou-Unie vergader elke tweede Dinsdag van die maand om 10vm in die saal van die NH-kerk te Dirk van der Hoffstraat.

Vroue Landbou Unie.

Belangstellendes kan vir Isobel van Eeden kontak (084 585 5157).

• Wednesday

Christian Missionary Fellowship International invites you to an interdenominational prayer fellowship every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7pm at 121 Athlone Avenue, Dalview. For more information contact Ariel Mesa (083 480 4737).

• A soup kitchen is held every Wednesday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.

• Thursday

Tutela Brakpan, geleë te 106a Northdenelaan, gaan voortaan elke tweede en laaste Donderdag van die maand ’n klereverkoping by die kantoor hou.

General Tutela

• The East Rand Amateur Radio Club meets every Thursday at 7pm at its clubhouse in Ebenezer Street, Arrowe Park, Benoni. For more information contact Paul Connel (083 627 3576).

• Business owners are invited to join a prayer hour hosted by the Christian Family Church, Brakpan. The church is situated at 2 Carmyllie Avenue, Dalview, and the prayer hour starts at 1pm every Thursday. For more information contact Past Linda-Lee Brits (071 493 6454).

• A Parkinson’s Disease support group meeting takes place every last Thursday of the month at Rynpark Six, corner of Struben and Parker streets in Rynfield, Benoni. The meeting starts at 10am. Contact Heather Smith for more information (011 849 8509).

• Saturday

The Windy Corner Moths meet at 2pm every second Saturday of the month at 2 Zeeman Street in Brenthurst. All military ex-servicemen and women who have seen active service with the SA security forces from 1974 to 1994 and World War Two allied veterans are welcome. Contact Ray Mabbutt on 072 407 4168 or mabb@vodamail.co.za, or Max Windrich on 082 722 0093 or windrmj@gmail.com

• Sunday

The Just Wheels Car Club hosts an open day at the clubhouse every last Sunday of the month. The club is situated at 169 Kritzinger Avenue, Dalview.

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