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House robbers still at work

The ongoing problem of house robberies remains a concern for Brakpan police.

It was reported in last week’s edition of the Herald that the town experienced an increase in this type of crime during February (‘New trend really hits home’).

Read: Brakpan SAPS issues warning as robberies spike 

This month is not faring any better and, at the time of publication on Wednesday, four cases had already been reported to the local SAPS.

Two incidents took place on Thursday, last week, and the other two on Monday.

The first incident on Thursday occurred at an address along 20th Road, in Denneoord.

The domestic worker at the residence noticed a red Volkswagen Polo outside the house at about 9.45am, and went to the door to investigate.

When she opened the door a man pointed a gun at her and forced her to let him inside.

The robber bound the domestic worker’s hands with cables and took her cellphone.

Another man then entered the house and the pair began to search for valuables.

The female homeowner arrived home at this time and was also tied up by the robbers.

The robbers fled with two television sets and jewellery.

VIDEO: Brazen robbers carry out daylight robbery in Brenthurst

The second house robbery took place at a home in Gardiner Avenue, at about 10.40am.

A lone robber gained access to the house and confronted the domestic worker.

He forced her into a bedroom and told her to stay put.

Two television sets and a laptop were stolen.

On Monday, a Sallies Village resident was robbed in his home, along Sabie Street, by two men at about 1.10pm.

The robbers, one of whom was armed with a gun, fled with a television set, home theatre system and a laptop.

They were travelling in a white Toyota Corolla.

A few hours later, a resident of Redheart Street, in Dalpark, fell victim to a gang of robbers at around 4.15pm.

The victim answered a knock at his door and was greeted by a man with a firearm.

The robber was joined by five others and the resident was bound with cable ties.

The gang took a television set, two laptops, an amplifier, clothes, shoes, an iron, microwave, tablet and the resident’s car, a silver Mercedes Benz C180.

The vehicle was recovered shortly afterwards.

Residents are reminded to always report any suspicious-looking people, vehicles or activities to the SAPS.

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