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Field day for robbers

While police are doing everything in their power to curb house robberies, they have urged residents to be vigilant and to make sure it is as difficult as possible for criminals to gain access to their homes.

Robbers had a field day in Brakpan, committing two house robberies on Saturday, last week.

The first robbery took place at an address in Van Schoor Street, Brakpan North.

The victim was enjoying an afternoon nap when she was roused from sleep at about 3.30pm, after hearing a man’s voice.

The woman opened her eyes and saw a man in her bedroom.

The man approached her and put a gun to her head, telling her “go back to sleep or I will hurt you.”

The robber was joined by another man and the pair demanded money and laptops.

Two other family members, who were also present in the house, were forced into the bedroom with the woman and the robbers then locked them all in.

The robbers took two big screen television sets, a laptop and a cellphone.

They fled in a silver Kia Cerato.

Less than six hours later, three robbers struck at a home in New Kleinfontein Road, Leachville.

The victim had left the house at about 9pm to move his car, which was parked at his neighbour’s property.

After parking the car at home, the victim was heading indoors when he was confronted by three men.

The men threatened him with a firearm and forced him inside.

The victim and the other family members present were instructed to lie down.

The robbers made off with three cellphones, a big screen television and the victim’s car, an Audi A4 Quattro.

While police are doing everything in their power to curb house robberies, they have urged residents to be vigilant and to make sure it is as difficult as possible for criminals to gain access to their homes.

The local SAPS has also urged residents to mark their belongings with their ID numbers.

“Engrave your ID number on goods, such as television sets, DVD players, laptops and even car batteries,” said Capt Peet van der Schyff, of the Brakpan SAPS.

“If these are stolen and then recovered, we will be able to identify to whom they belong.”

Police also appealed to residents not to leave items of value on display as these are viewed as easy targets by criminals.

This also applies to items such as lawnmowers and ladders.

Residents can report suspicious-looking people, vehicles or activities to the SAPS sector vehicles in their area or to the police station on 011 744 4940.

Also read: 

Weekend crime round-up

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