Editor's noteMunicipalNews

New centre to respond efficiently to service delivery complaints

Residents can expect an effective and faster response to service delivery complaints.

The City of Ekurhuleni has completed plans to build a multi-departmental command and control centre, which will contain a centralised customer care centre for both life-threatening and non life-threatening services.

The completion of the conceptualisation of the Unified Command Centre (UCC) paves way for the building programme to be initiated.

Once the centre is operational, residents can expect an effective and faster response to service delivery complaints, as there will be a command and control centre for responses by various departments including the Energy, Water and Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department. While the municipal Call Centre will serve as a backup disaster recovery facility, the UCC will have expanded visibility on all city networks and operations.

This will allow staff to have access to all information systems ensuring co-ordination between departments.

This will significantly improve responses to power supply interruptions, burst water pipes, sewerage spillages.

The centre will also receive feed from Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) surveillance in central business districts (CBDs), which promises to be an effective tool to reduce crime.

The CCTV data will also assist in determining which customer care centres, police stations and clinics are overpopulated and have long queues, in order to determine interventions.

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