
A greet and a smile goes a long way

I want to ask the residents: although you might have this particular feeling about car guards, keep a lookout for those who take pride in their work and acknowledge them sometimes.

”Loyal and friendly car guard” writes:

I’m a car guard and yes, my work isn’t really an easy one, but whose is?

Yet, I feel overwhelmed and happy when people greet me with a big smile on their faces and I can see they trust and respect me.

Sometimes there are people who might seem grumpy and rude, but I will greet them every time and maybe even kill them with kindness. The thing is, I don’t really know what’s going on in your life and you don’t really know what’s going on in mine. I believe we are all fragile human beings and maybe that particular day you were angry or sad.

I want you, the customer, to enjoy your shopping experience and feel safe. That’s why I keep a watchful eye on your car, take the trolley from you when you come back and unpack everything in your boot.

I know how some of the people are when they see a car guard. Mostly, people just want them out of their way and they ignore them completely.

Yes, my uniform may seem old, but it’s always clean.

I believe that it’s important as a car guard to make people respect and trust you. Car guards should be presentable, always clean and friendly. It’s a two-way street.

I want to ask the residents: although you might have this particular feeling about car guards, keep a lookout for those who take pride in their work and acknowledge them.

If you’re not able to give change, a smile and acknowledgement is all I ask for.

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