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Robbers abduct man, force victim to draw large sum of money

A 42-year old man was forced to drive around with armed robbers and draw a large sum of money, after his vehicle was approached by the thugs on Friday evening, last week.

This incident took place at 9.30pm, at the robot at the corner of Prince George Avenue and Voortrekker Road.

“I was waiting at the robot, when my door was suddenly opened and a robber pointed a firearm at me,” said the man, who wishes to remain anonymous.

“I was then ordered to move to the passenger’s side. That’s when two other suspects jumped into the back of the vehicle.”

The victim was struck on the head with the firearm multiple times by the first robber. The men also kept on telling the victim that they were going to kill him.

The victim explained that he wasn’t sure if all of the men were armed, but it felt like one of those sitting in the back was pointing a firearm at him.

“I didn’t dare look back at the other robbers behind me,” he said.

The victim was then taken to an ATM and ordered to draw money.

“The robber who was in the driver’s seat hit me on the head again with the firearm and said that I shouldn’t do anything funny, because they would kill me.”

“They also said that if I didn’t follow orders, they would drive away with my vehicle.”

After the victim had drawn the money from the ATM and handed it over to the robber sitting in the driver’s seat, a Metro Police vehicle stopped in front of the victim’s vehicle.

“The robbers then panicked and told me I shouldn’t do anything stupid,” he said.

The robbers in the back jumped out of the vehicle and ran away, and then the man in the front jumped out and ran away.

“I immediately went to the police vehicle, to explain what happened, but, unfortunately, the robbers had already disappeared and we couldn’t find them.”

A case of robbery with a firearm was opened at the Brakpan Police Station and is currently being investigated.

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