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Warning: Be alert at the bank

Brakpan police have warned residents to exercise caution when withdrawing large amounts of cash from banks.

This follows several recent incidents, where residents have been robbed of large sums of money shortly after leaving the bank where the cash was withdrawn.

On Friday, at about 15.20pm, a woman (26) who would rather stay anonymous, was robbed of R18 400 by armed robbers.

The victim, who is employed by a business in Lemmer Road, Vulcania, was instructed by the managing director to cash a cheque.

This money was intended to pay the casuals and the woman took an intern with her.

“After my colleague and I left Nedbank, at the Mall@Carnival, we went straight back to work,” the woman said.

“When we arrived there I waited for the intern to open the gate; the car doors were still unlocked and that’s when a car pulled up next to mine.”

“There were four men in the car and three of them got out, armed with firearms.”

One of the robbers pointed a firearm at her, demanding that she hand over the money, while the others searched her car.

They then left with the R18 400, her handbag and the car keys.

“It all happened so fast; I haven’t driven again since Friday,” the woman said.

According to Capt Joep Joubert, spokesperson for the Brakpan Police Station commander, bank followings continue to be a regular occurrence in the Brakpan area.

He offered the following tips for when people withdraw large amounts of money:

  • Always be on the lookout for suspicious people or vehicles.
  • Don’t regularly visit the bank on the same day or at the same time.
  • Never go to the bank alone, always have someone accompany you.
  • Do not make unnecessary stops after you have withdrawn a large amount of money and don’t travel the same routes.
  • Make use of technology and transfer large amounts via internet banking.

“If you are being followed or notice suspicious-looking people or vehicles, immediately contact the police on 10111 for a quick response,” added Joubert.

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