
‘It’s about Jasmin!’

Angry community members and bikers walked out of the memorial service for murdered four-year-old Jasmin Pretorius, claiming the event was being politicised.

The memorial service, which was held at Siloam Ministries in Dalpark this morning, was attended by hundreds of people —  mostly from motorcycle clubs — as well as government ministers and high-ranking police officials, including National Police Commissioner General Ria Phiyega.

Jasmin’s father Morné and other family members were also in attendance.

During the welcome address by Gauteng Provincial Community Police Board chair, Andy Mashaile, dozens of people suddenly stood up and stormed out.

One biker shouted: “It’s about Jasmin, we’re not here for politics!
“What did the ANC do for Jasmin?”

The large group gathered outside where they held an impromptu prayer meeting before deciding to meet at a local pub.

Jasmin was reported missing on Saturday, last week, and her body was found under a bed in her father’s home in Suenet Flats later that day.

The incident has shocked the community, with many blaming Jasmin’s family for neglecting her.

Her 23-year-old uncle was arrested and allegedly confessed to the crime.

He is currently being held at the Boksburg Prison and will make his second court appearance on Tuesday, January 7.

During the welcome address by Gauteng Provincial Community Police Board chair, Andy  Mashaile, dozens of people suddenly stood up and stormed out of the church.
During the welcome address by Gauteng Provincial Community Police Board chair, Andy Mashaile, dozens of people suddenly stood up and stormed out of the church.


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  1. Anna I agree that what happened is disgusting and this whole scene has made people angry, but please don’t associate everyone that lives in Brakpan to be low class !! this could have happened in your community too……

  2. Anna, where are you staying? Some multi-millionaire’s estate? Don’t think something like this cannot happen in your area too. It is not to say that if one lives in Brakpan, he/she is low class. Who made you the judge between classes? In future, think before you speak.

  3. Die dag was om vir Jsamin op te drae nie om n politieke party te stem nie as ek da was sou ek ook eerder na die lokel pub gegaan het om haar te vereer en op te bring na ons HEMELSE VARDER

  4. Net jammer ons koerant mense is so kak bang om die waarheid te skryf, ons mense wil nie op n eere diens na die ANC se propeganda luister nie,is hulle so bang vir afrikaans dat tot n afrikaaner kind se eerediens in n aander kultuur moet verander word sy kon nie eers daai taal verstaan nie en so ek ook,al wat ek kan se is ek kry skaam vir ons koerantte en ons leiers wat so laag moet daal SIES MENSE DIT IS GOD SE HUIS NIE DIE ANC SIN NIE

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