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Happenings in Brakpan

Looking to be entertained? Look no further.

• 3 Augustus

Die NG Kerk Brenthurst hou ’n gemeenskapsmark op die kerkterrein te Thomasstraat 38. Interessante uitstallers sal uitstal en persone wat belangstel om self uit te stal kan ’n stalletjie bespreek. Heerlike eet- en drinkgoed sal ook te koop wees. Vir stalletjie besprekings, skakel vir ds Willie Crous by 072 536 6775 of Dawie Prinsloo by 082 441 8664.

Gemeenskapsmark – 03 Augustus

• August 3

The Brakpan SPCA, situated at 96 Denne Road, will be having a jumble sale at the premises from 9am to 12.30pm. Second-hand goods, including clothes, kitchen appliances, jewelry, dog treats and various household goods will be up for grabs. All proceeds will go to the SPCA.

• A winter charity ball featuring The Voice SA’s Samantha Leonard will be held at Medley House at 6pm. The ticket includes a welcome drink, three-course dinner and entertainment. Beneficiaries are the Brakpan SPCA, Huis Thandi and Huis Charis. For tickets and information, contact Heleen Joubert (079 879 3411).

• Noteworthy Events nooi jou uit na Cantare Jubiloso koor se vyfde verjaarsdagpartytjie wat met ’n konsert gevier word by die NG Universiteitsoord om 3nm. ’n Keur van koorwerke, spesiaal uitgesoek vir die geleentheid, sal aangebied word. Kontak Lanie Coetzer by 082 940 9001 of by mmcoetzer@mweb.co.za om jou kaartjies te bespreek.

• 9 Augustus

Tutela Gesinsorg bied ’n bederfoggend vir vroue aan. Lieb en André Bester sal die gaste vermaak met musiek en orrelspel sal deur Emmie Combrink gelewer word. Die geleentheid word om 10.30vm by die NG Kerk Brakpan-Wes gehou. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die Tutela Kantoor (011 744 4020) of skakel vir Hendrik Labuschagne (082 923 3077).

• August 3

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a business-network meeting at 8.30am. There is no charge, but booking is essential. For more information, contact Chantelle du Plessis (chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050).

• 17 Augustus

’n Fondsinsamelingskonsert ten bate van Karlien Roets (sy het ’n breinbesering opgedoen toe ’n kombuiskas op haar geval het) word in die Mardi Gras Teater by Carnival City aangebied. Verskeie kunstenaars soos Sorina Die Flooze en Sharoney gaan optree. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by www.karlienroets.co.za

Fondsinsamelingskonsert – 17 Augustus

• 30 Augustus

Die NG Kerk Brakpan-Oos hou ’n nagmark by die kerk vanaf 4nm tot 8nm. Heerlike eetgoed sal te koop wees. Daar sal ook ’n tombolatafel en vlooimarkstalletjies wees. Die publiek sal ook kan bloed skenk. Die kerk is op die hoek van Lappingstraat en Boundaryweg geleë. Vlooimarkstalletjies kan bespreek word deur vir Alta Rudolph te skakel (083 396 7591).

• 6 September

Die NG Kerk Brakpan-Noord (oorkant die munisipale swembad) hou ’n kermis vanaf 5nm. Daar sal baie kosstalletjies wees, asook interessante items om te koop en ’n boereorkes sal sorg vir musiek. Stalletjies kan ook deur die publiek bespreek word. Skakel die kerkkantoor vir meer besonderhede (011 740 2241).

Lees: Foto’s: Motorskou wins maak verskil in leerders se lewens


• Sunday

The Eastern Wargame Group meet at the Constitutional Club, 21 Lake Avenue, Benoni. For more information, contact Barry Booysen (076 134 8488).

• Tuesday

The Brakpan Homecrafts Society meets every first Tuesday of the month at the St Peter’s Anglican Church hall at 10am. New members are welcome. For more information, contact Jane Donker on 011 915 2539.

• A Narcotics Anonymous meeting for people who have a problem with drugs or think they may have a problem with drugs is held every Tuesday at 7.30pm at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.

• Wednesday

The East and Woodworkers Association meets every third Wednesday of the month at 6pm at the Northmead Methodist Church. All interested in woodwork or woodcarving are welcome. Call Les Sales (082 677 7097). Those interested in exhibiting their crafts at the annual woodworkers fair on September 7 can also call Sales.

• The Hospice charity shop situated at the corner of Prince George and Kitzinger avenues (133 Kitzinger Avenue) has a half-price sale on all clothing items every Wednesday.

• Christian Missionary Fellowship International invites you to an interdenominational prayer fellowship every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7pm at 121 Athlone Avenue, Dalview. For more information, contact Ariel Mesa on 083 480 4737.

• A soup kitchen is held every Wednesday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.

• Thursday

Tutela Brakpan, geleë te Northdenelaan 106a, gaan voortaan elke tweede en laaste Donderdag van die maand ’n klereverkoping by die kantoor hê.

Have a story?

Contact the newsroom by emailing: Thelma Koorts  (editor) brakpanherald@caxton.co.za

or Stacy Slatter (news editor) stacys@caxton.co.za

 or Miné Fourie (journalist) minev@caxton.co.za

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