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Chaos reigns on our roads

Every day it becomes more obvious that our traffic rules are totally outdated.

‘Confused driver’ writes by email:

I have been commuting for the past couple of years between my home, work and back.

The time has come to do some introspection and change some of the rules, or enforce the current rules.

I have observed that some of the transgressions are so common, that the offences are no longer seen as breaking the law:

• It should no longer be an offence to make a U-turn along any major road that displays a sign stating “no U-turn”, especially in Voortrekker Road and Prince George Avenue.

• It should no longer be an offence to double park, do shopping, banking or just to wait for a passenger to be picked up.

• Official vehicles should be allowed to park anywhere but preferably on a parking area reserved for those in wheelchairs.

This happens all the time with metro officers parking in these dedicated areas while they do their shopping; it regularly happens at the Sherwood Shopping Centre.

• Four-way stop signs should be removed as very few cars stop at these unnecessary stops. They only slow down a fraction and then speed off.

• It should no longer be an offence to stop in the middle of a road without indicating that the driver will be stopping to chat with a friend walking on the pavement or on the other side of the road.

• It should no longer be an offence for a driver in the right-hand lane dedicated for turning right only, as indicated by the yellow arrow painted on the road, to suddenly cut in front of the car on his left to turn left or cross over straight against a red light.

This happens daily at the crossings at Voortrekker Road and Prince George Avenue and Voortrekker and Station roads, and even more dangerously at the crossing of the R554 (Springs and Farquharson road) which is a very busy crossing.

• What is the use of having speed limits when most drivers in town do not adhere to these speed limits?

• All cars should be driving with their hazards on.

No sane person knows what is meant when the driver in front of you suddenly switches on his hazards.

If we all drive with our hazard lights on, at least we will all be confused.

• All traffic lights should always be green in all directions, as most drivers ignore the red light if they can see no oncoming traffic.

Should accidents happen, it will mean “job creation” for tow-trucks, ambulances, doctors and hospitals etc.

• All drivers must be forced to sound their car horns at frequent intervals, not only when looking for a “pick-up”.

The use of a car horn to use as a warning is totally outdated.

• Indicating that you will either turn left or right should be abolished.

Rather rule that when you want to turn right, switch on your left indicator and vice versa.

Just turn in the face of oncoming traffic and make rude hand gestures if the oncoming driver hoots or flashes his car lights.

• Indicating that you want to change lanes is no longer needed. It will only confuse other road users.

If the traffic rules are to remain as they are, may I suggest that the metro police start to do what they are paid for by the ratepayers, namely:

• Be more visible in areas of concern and enforce traffic rules.

• Do not park your vehicle under a tree for a catnap or for a “love session”. You will be caught.

• Do not do your shopping during your shift.

• Only park legally as you expect the ordinary citizen to do.

• Realise that bribery is corruption.

• Do not use your official vehicle as a taxi to transport school children.

Your metro police vehicle is the property of the metro and not yours to use and abuse as you see fit.

All metro vehicles are for the employees to execute their duty and not for private use.

• Treat all offenders with respect.

Our president has just announced the ‘Yes’ project.

It is a grand opportunity for the Ekurhuleni metro to employ young people, train them as metro police and allocate them to problem areas.

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Also change the municipal regulations/ordinances/by-laws so that these new metro cops have the power to issue spot fines, to confiscate car keys until fines are paid in full and to collect the fines on the spot by way of credit card payments.

I am sure all the banks will issue the metro with enough portable credit card machines to make it work.

It will be an additional income for the banks and the metro will have more than enough money for road maintenance, street cleaning, the upkeep of pavements and parks and the salary for the ‘Yes’ workers will be generated.

It may just be the answer!

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