
Exposed cables ‘a tragedy in waiting’

A Withok Estates pensioner has yet to see light at the end of the tunnel in his battle with the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality to have a lamp post near his home properly repaired.

Willem Schoeman (65), who lives along Alliance Street, explained that the problem arose after cables from the lamp post were stolen about two years ago.

“The municipality only did temporary repairs and never really sorted it out,” he said.

“They’ve been out about four times, but need to fix it properly before something bad happens.”

The base of the lamp post is a jumbled mess of exposed cables and connections, posing a dangerous threat.

Schoeman told the Herald he has tried countless times, especially over the past few months, to have the lamp post fixed.

“You can phone a hundred different numbers at the municipality and no one ever answers,” he complained.

According to Schoeman, the quick fix recently resulted in a power surge which saw his TV “blowing up”.

He attempted to claim for the damage from the municipality, but his request was denied.

While understandably upset about the loss of a valuable possession, Schoeman is also concerned the problem may cause harm.

“We live on the plots and cattle are herded up and down this street to graze in the nearby field,” he said.

“I have seen the cows walking around the pole, what happens if they come into contact with the cables?

“What happens if a child touches those cables?”

Comment has been requested from the metro.

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