Editor's noteLettersOpinion

Why are there no power cuts in Brakpan North?

Jacques van Schalkwyk writes by email: This all seems very fishy to me that someone is getting much more than the rest of the taxpaying residents of Brakpan.

Jacques van Schalkwyk writes by email:

With reference to the Brakpan Herald dated June 16, ‘No power due to emergency repairs’, I have been a resident of the town for more than 30 years and to date no one has been able to explain to me why Brakpan North is never affected by power outages.

Is this due to them being provided with two alternative power supplies (Brakpan and Springs)?

Under which area does Brakpan North fall?

Which municipality is recovering the electricity bill (Brakpan or Springs) and why are they entitled to two power supplies?

Brakpan North is a residential area and no critical services (hospital) exist, so why the exception/special treatment?

This all seems very fishy to me that someone is getting much more than the rest of the taxpaying residents of Brakpan.

It would be nice if you could shed some light on the matter.

Editor’s note: Comment is awaited from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

Also read: 

Emergency repair work at substation will leave Brakpan without power

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