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Brakpan SAPS issues warning as robberies spike

While the SAPS are doing everything in their power to curb these crimes, residents are asked to be more vigilant and always to report any suspicious-looking people, vehicles or activities to the SAPS.

Local police have expressed concern over a recent rise in house robberies in Brakpan.

Last week alone saw three house robberies taking place – two of which occurred on the same day.

In the first incident, on Thursday last week, a woman was robbed by two men in her home in Stormberg Street, in Leachville.

One of the robbers confronted the woman in her bedroom at 9.40am and told her not to scream.

Goods stolen included a large screen television set, cellphone, tablet and jewellery.

The robbers fled in an unknown red vehicle.

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Less than two hours later, at 11am, three robbers tied up a domestic worker in her employer’s home at an address in McMillan Street, Brakpan North.

The woman was greeted by a man with a knife when she opened the door to go outside.

The man instructed the woman to go back inside the house and told her not to scream.

Two other men followed the man inside the house and they bound the domestic worker with a belt.

The robbers then started going through the house.

They fled in an unknown white car with a television set, sound system, games console and clothes.

Read: ‘I’m sorry’ – armed thug apologises to victim during robbery  

The following morning, a woman was robbed in her Sallies Village home by a lone robber.

The woman, who lives at an address along Olifant Street, was awakened by a noise at 4.15am.

She got up to close her bedroom door, when a man suddenly walked into the room.

The man was armed with a gun and told the woman to keep quiet.

He instructed her to lie on the floor and tied her hands.

The robber then covered her head with a towel.

Items stolen from the woman’s home included a television set, sewing machine and overlocker, a kettle, cellphone and tablet.

Capt Peet van der Schyff from the Brakpan SAPS told the Herald that eight house robberies were reported to police in February.

According to him, police are also alarmed by the number of business robberies (six cases) and residential and business burglaries (over 50 cases) reported in the last month.

Several cases of dog poisonings were also reported.

While the SAPS are doing everything in their power to curb these crimes, residents are asked to be more vigilant and always to report any suspicious-looking people, vehicles or activities to the SAPS.

Read: Thieves pose as home buyers

Tips to prevent house robbery and theft:

• Know all emergency numbers.

• Make provision for good outside lighting, but switch the lights off during the day.

Outside lights that are on during the day and post that is left in the gate are signs of no one being home.

Don’t leave your gates, garage, front or back door open or partly open.

• Never open the door automatically whenever the bell rings or if someone knocks. Make completely sure the person wanting to enter is expected.

Domestic workers, garden staff and children are often approached by robbers who act as telephone or TV repairmen, electricians, plumbers, TV licence or municipal inspectors.

In an effort to gain entrance robbers use a cellphone and pretend to be talking to the owner of the house so as to put pressure on unsuspecting victims to open the gate or door.

Those remaining at home should be made aware of these scams.

Emphasise the need for security to your domestic worker, so too ensuring his/her own safety.

Arrange with people who remain at home on how you will inform them if there is a need for them to open the house for deliveries, maintenance work or repairs.

Always use the same procedure and inform the companies involved that they will not gain access unless you have made a specific arrangement.

• A watchdog is a good early warning system. Keep it visible as a deterrent, but beyond the reach of strangers. The unexplainable death of a watchdog is a warning sign of a possible burglary.

• If your house alarm goes off, or you hear strange noises or your dogs bark, switch on the outside lights.

• Always check the identity of strangers who visit for business purposes, to do deliveries or repairs.

Ensure that you stay out of their reach to prevent being grabbed through a closed gate.

• When employing someone, request their identity document and make a copy thereof for safekeeping.

Check their previous employment references and do security clearances at the police.

• Install the best security you can afford, especially security gates on outside doors. Keep these gates locked. If possible, fix a door-viewer and latch chain.

• When approaching your house entrance by foot or by car ensure that it is safe to enter and that you have not been followed. Be aware of persons loitering at the entrance.

• Always keep your keys safe to prevent duplication thereof. Never leave your house keys under a doormat or in a pot-plant.

Once you have locked your door from the inside remove the key and place it in a safe place.

• Do not leave keys in a hidden place for domestic staff or children – robbers often stake out a house and will find out about these hiding places.

Do not give keys to people who do not live on the property or to anyone if it is not absolutely necessary.

• Know your neighbours and build a relationship of mutual trust and support. When going away inform them.

• It is always best to arrange with persons living in your street to be ready at all times to come to the rescue of one another in dangerous or suspicious times.

Exchange phone numbers or signalling methods when you find yourself in distress.

Your strength always lies in how many people are able to support you in an emergency.

• If you buy luxury goods, cut up the boxes and dispose of these in tied-up black bags – a branded box is a telltale sign of what thieves could find in your house.

• Keep cash and valuables in banks or safes.

• Store your firearms in a safe.

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