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Man strangles woman for cellphone

The woman lost consciousness and was found by her neighbour.

According to information received, the following crimes were reported to Brakpan police over the past weekend:

• Friday – A computer server, valued at hundreds of thousands of Rand, was stolen from a company situated along Fifth Avenue, in Witpoort Estates.

Two burglaries were reported.

A games console, games and cash were stolen from a home along Gardiner Avenue.

The second break-in took place at an address along Stoffberg Avenue, and the alleged burglar was caught on the scene.

He was arrested and the stolen goods, which included tools and a DVD player, were recovered.

• Saturday – A woman was robbed of her handbag by a man armed with a knife.

The woman was walking along Augrabies Avenue, in Dalpark, when the man pushed her to the ground.

The incident took place at about 6.20am.

A man was arrested along Prince George Avenue for the attempted theft of a motor vehicle.

The man was allegedly caught inside the car by the vehicle’s owner at about 10.30am.

A Voortrekker Road shop was robbed by four robbers, one of whom was armed with a gun.

The gang entered the store at about 3pm and threatened staff with the firearm.

They fled with a cellphone and cash.

• Sunday – A television set, laptop and a hi-fi were stolen from a home along Norfolk Street, in Dalview.

A woman from Mkhankwa Village was assaulted and robbed of her cellphone.

The woman was walking along Ergo Road, at about 6pm, when a man grabbed her and dragged her into the veld.

The man started to strangle the woman and demanded her cellphone.

The woman lost consciousness and was found by her neighbour.

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