
Be a blessing to others

Change can sometimes be a good thing.

Johann Stoltz writes by email:

Well we are into a new year with new possibilities, new challenges, new hills to conquer and new obstacles to face.

I recently realised yet again that change is probably the only thing that is constant.

For example, you might be living the high life where everything is going smoothly and in an instant it can all change.

Change can sometimes be a good thing as it forces us to look differently at life and its challenges.

I watched a video about poverty by a pastor in America and realised that we sometimes expect life to be a Utopian experience all the way through, not thinking that tragedy can hit at any time.

The pastor has a ministry which is specifically aimed at helping the homeless, and no, he himself isn’t rich at all.

One of the homeless women who frequently attends his church for the homeless under a bridge came to him and asked if she could help every Sunday with setting the tables.

He thanked her and said yes, but what touched his heart was when she said why she offered to help.

She said: “Because when I touch the table cloths it reminds me what it feels like to have a home.”

She lost everything a year ago and still refuses to give up.

So let’s not be ashamed to show love and compassion to the homeless before we judge them.

It costs nothing.

The best blessing you can receive is to be a blessing to others.

With this I am not saying that we must let con artists emotionally manipulate us (unfortunately you get them too) but before you judge a homeless person remember to put yourself in their shoes.

They might also have had their dreams and aspirations taken away.

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