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Three cars broken into in one day

According to information received, the following crimes were reported to Brakpan Police over the weekend:


Three cars, parked in Tinker Road (Brenthurst), Glamorgan Avenue (Dalview) and Denne Road (Vulcania) were broken into. Three car batteries, a radio, two amps, speakers and subwoofers were stolen.


A business was broken into in Railway Street. A sound system, TV, tools, alarm system, camera and electrical tools were stolen.

A business in Koot Street, Withok Estates, was robbed. Two cellphones, two car batteries and 28 tyres were stolen.

A motorist was threatened with a gun when a vehicle appeared next to him on the corner of Floors Street and Heidelberg Road, Withok Estates. The motorist swerved to the side and crashed his car. The other vehicle left.


No incidents of crime were reported.

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