
By-law enforcement blitzes to continue

In an effort to respond to key urban management challenges the Ekurhuleni Metro is applying a robust approach to address service delivery shortfalls across the region.

In October the Metro began with a series of by-law enforcement blitzes that will run until December.

The blitzes aim to identify critical issues within communities that require intervention, as well as to detect practices which contravene by-laws.

“By-laws are laws passed by the municipality that regulate activities within the City of Ekurhuleni,” said Ekurhuleni spokesperson, Themba Gadebe.

“It is therefore vital that individuals and businesses conduct their daily activities within the boundaries of these rules, which exist to maintain order,” added Gadebe.

The blitzes are a multi-departmental intervention, and site visits involve officials from the City Planning, Environmental Health, Outdoor Advertising, Parks, Roads, Energy, Water and Sanitation and Urban Management departments, as well as officers from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD).

Issues they focus on include overgrown grass, maintenance of parks, potholes, non-functional street lights, illegal posters, illegal dumping and littering, water leaks and pipe blockages, illegal taverns, missing manhole covers and dilapidated buildings.

To read up on local by-laws visit

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