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Dry conditions can lead to disaster

The South African Weather Services (SAWS) has issued an alert on unusual elevated weather temperatures, due to the El Nino weather pattern that the country is currently experiencing.

These dry, windy conditions, with low rainfall pattern influences high possibilities of veld fires.

In the past few days, the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality: Disaster and Emergency Management Services (EMM-DEMS), has experienced major fires in informal settlements, as well as veld fires. These fires have been precipitated by hot dry windy conditions and the heat waves which are being experienced lately.

“The department has noted a worrying trend of schools and formal dwellings being burned during this period,” said the spokesperson for the disaster and emergency management services, William Ntladi.

He has reminded the residents of fire and safety measures to be taken during the extreme conditions:

Veld fires:

  • Reduction of fires in the open air during periods of high fire hazard, and the establishment of fire control committees to control fires, an alarm system, firefighting teams and grass-beaters to be organised in advance and plans prepared.
  • Ensure that you have sufficient fire breaks and that a firebreak is wide enough and long enough to have a reasonable chance of preventing a veld fire from spreading to or from neighbouring land.
  • Don’t discard hot cigarette butts in veld.
  • Don’t make open fires near dry grass or veld.
  • Never leave any open flames un-monitored.


  • Avoid direct sunlight by wearing a hat, and use sunscreen.
  • Don’t leave children or pets in parked locked vehicles.
  • Stay in shade, under shaded trees.
  • Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Take frequent breaks if you are working outdoors.
  • Avoid strenuous activities.
  • Avoid alcoholic, caffeinated or carbonated drinks.
  • Wear light, bright coloured clothes.

Structural Fires:

  • Always have a fire extinguisher in the house as a precaution and have it tested and inspected regularly.
  • In the absence of a fire extinguisher, have buckets of sand and water to use in case of fire outbreak.
  • Install smoke detectors for early warning and detection of fires.
  • Avoid overloading of plugs, switch off appliances when not in use or when going away.
  • Close all doors within the house/offices in the absence of the family/somebody even when going on holiday, to reduce chances of fire spread.
  • Use candles correctly and safely; before going to sleep, blow out candles.
  • Ensure that the gas, paraffin or electrical stove is turned off when not in use.
  • Keep garden hoses nearby to assist should a fire start.
  • Don’t store highly flammable liquids and other hazardous materials in the kitchen or near a stove.

“The Disaster and Emergency Management Services Department (DEMS) is always prepared to timeously respond to all incidents within the metro,” said Ntladi.

The following numbers can be called in case of emergencies: 10177 or 011 458 0911 or cellphone 112.

Speak clearly on the phone when reporting an emergency. Provide the operator with all the details she/he requires. Do not end the conversation until all questions are answered.

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