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Parkinson’s sufferer’s message of hope

Brakpan resident, Johann Stoltz, writes by e-mail: Good day every one!

Wow we are nearly at the end of 2015 and a lot has happened in our country and the world cup is around the corner.

I just want to take this opportunity and with everything in me say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has made a donation to the Parkinson’s Association of South Africa.

As I am typing this I know for a fact that there are a lot of people in our town who are suffering in silence.

People who are battling sickness, people who have lost their jobs, people who might be unemployed, people who lost a loved one – this list goes on and on.

If you are struggling with sickness or any situation remember you are worthy, you were fearfully and wonderfully made, you are special and most importantly there is always hope!

Do not withdraw from people but surround yourself with people who have compassion and are willing to embrace you for who you are and not as a victim.

With my sickness I discovered that the biggest help comes not from people trying to be my savior but from people who are willing to embrace me for who I am and compassionately build me up.

So I just want to encourage you today to not give up!

As long as you are breathing there is always hope.

Remember that your circumstances do not define you.

All of us have the heart of a champion and have the potential to fight back.

I decided years ago to make my life motto“I have Parkinson’s, it doesn’t have me” and even though things have been difficult at times I refuse to give in.

But the most amazing thing is knowing that I am not alone in this and that’s what I want to encourage you with today. You are not alone, keep on pushing don’t give up!

Remember everyone in this life has to face trials and difficulties at one time so do not feel inferior or alone but keep fighting.

Winston Churchill once made the record books for having made the shortest speech that read: “Never ever give up!”

With that being said lets go and change the world!

Also read:

Parkinson’s sufferers should not be treated differently

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