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Thief must pay back the money

A 31-year-old man, who was found guilty of housebreaking at a residence in Derby Avenue, will not go to jail, but he has to compensate the complainant in cash.

On July 19, 2006, a housebreaking occurred at a residence in Derby Avenue, where a home theatre system, video machine, TV set, DVD player, video camera, jewellery, a computer, CD’s and a kettle were stolen.

The suspect was linked to the crime by means of fingerprints that were obtained on the scene, and was arrested on June 30, 2015.

Although the value of the goods stolen by the accused amounted to R51 900, the court ordered Elmond Tebogo Sekoati (31) to pay back R12 000. Sekoati will have to pay R2 000 each month at the clerk of the court.

He was sentenced to three years imprisonment, without an option of a fine, wholly suspended for five years, on condition that he accused is not convicted of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft during the period of suspension.

He was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

The investigating officer was Det Const Selwyn Pieterse.

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Justice on the way for Jasmin-Lee

Housebreakings on the rise

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