
Housebreakings on the rise

Brakpan SAPS has issued a serious warning to residents following a sudden and alarming increase in housebreakings all over town.

Residents are cautioned to ensure their homes are properly protected against criminal invasion at all times.

While police are doing everything in their power to curb the problem, they have urged residents to be vigilant and to make sure it is as difficult as possible for criminals to gain access to their homes.

“It is very clear that the housebreakings are not restricted to a specific area in town. They are happening all over,” said Capt Joep Joubert.

“People must make sure it is as difficult as possible for criminals to get inside their homes. Make sure you lock your belongings away safely.”

Joubert told the Herald outside gates must be locked, as must all security gates and doors.

“Windows must be tightly secured; a window left open just a fraction is an open invitation to burglars,” he said.

“If possible, install security lights and an alarm system.”

To prevent housebreakings and theft, Joubert also advised residents and business owners to be careful whom they employ, especially casual workers.

“Do not hire people off the streets,” he warned.

“If you must, do thorough background checks, take a photo and get a copy of their ID book, as well as the address of their next of kin.

“It is also important to be cautious when letting people into your house to do jobs such as tiling, painting or cleaning your couch.

“Get references and use only reputable service providers.”

Residents are also encouraged to report any suspicious-looking people, vehicles or activities to the SAPS sector vehicles in their area, or to the police station, on 011 744 4940.

Read more on how to prevent a housebreaking here

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