Primary School

Mixed emotions mark first day at school

Dozens of parents were also seen queuing outside in a bid to try and secure space for their children

Thousands of Grade One learners headed to their respective primary schools in Boksburg to mark the first day of school on January 11.

The day saw excitement, smiles, and confusion from the young ones, and the Boksburg Advertiser was at some local schools to capture the special moments before the little ones officially embarked on this big adventure.

In new uniforms and shiny shoes, the eager youngsters gathered with their parents to be grouped into classes and  shown their classrooms where they will spend the year learning and playing.

While most youngsters were utterly overwhelmed by the excitement of beginning their primary education, some were visibly anxious, and a few learners could not hold back their tears. Others appeared to be so exhausted that they even fell asleep after what seemed to be an overwhelming morning on the first day of this new era.

Nevertheless, the majority of learners interviewed by the Advertiser said they look forward to their schooling years. Their career choices range from teachers and lawyers to doctors and police officers.

Teachers at the various schools said it was all systems go and they were excited to welcome the new Grade Ones.

The fully-prepared staff managed to handle a few first-day jitters with ease, helping the new learners settle in with parents also offering last-minute comfort. All schools pointed out that teaching and learning would immediately get underway after the young ones had settled in on Wednesday morning.

Dozens of parents were also seen queuing outside schools in a bid to try and secure space for their children after not yet having managed to do so.

Reiger Park Primary School

The first day of school saw mixed emotions from Grade One learners at Reiger Park Primary School.

Reiger Park Primary School, which boasts 38 classrooms with a population of 1565 learners (including Grade Rs), had welcomed a total of 240 Grade Ones by January 11 – and their five Grade One classrooms were already filled to capacity on the day.

All placed Grade Ones were safely admitted into the school and sitting at their desks for the first time. However, management pointed out that there are about 20 more Grade Ones that the district wanted the school to accommodate.

“We will see how we can support them, but I can tell you now that our population has slightly increased compared to the previous year, and that’s mainly Grade Ones.

“We have educators for every class, so our teams are ready and the resources, including stationery, will be distributed.

“We do have parents who just arrived this morning looking for space in the other grades and we will try and accommodate them where we can,”said the school principal, Martin Green.

This school also welcomed two sets of twins to Grade One for the new academic year – Katlego Makgabo (6) and her twin sister, Atlehang, and Teniel Hutton and her twin sister, Tamlyn. All four said they want to become teachers.

Lakeside Primary School

Break Time: Lakeside Primary School Grade One learners and their teacher, Mrs Henry, enjoy their lunches on their first day of school.

Lakeside Primary, which is currently undergoing a R43m refurbishment by the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development, and Gauteng Department of Education, welcomed a total of 188 Grade Ones on January 11.

By Wednesday, the school’s population was sitting at 1 277 learners, which presents a slight increase compared to the previous year.

“We are excited and ready to go. Learners have settled in and have started to work already.

“We are already preparing for our sporting activities,” said deputy principal of the school Joan Moosa.

GALLERY: #BackToSchool2023: Excitement, smiles and jitters on first day of school in Boksburg


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