Editor's choice

Letter: Irresponsibility around Covid-19 is infuriating

In January, I lost my husband of almost 50 years to Covid.

M Cockcroft writes:

Yesterday as I was on my way to our local shopping centre, I drove behind a bakkie with between six and seven young people sitting on the back. Not one person was wearing a mask.

As I was making my way into the shopping centre, I counted five people who had masks on, but these were hanging around their necks and not covering their faces.

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I am very angry. In January, I lost my husband of almost 50 years to Covid. Our family spent hours wondering how he picked up the virus as he was pedantic about social distancing, sanitised both my hands and his before we went anywhere and again on arrival at places such as the shops.

We went through the same procedure on getting into our car and returning home. These are just examples of the precautions we took.

However, witnessing the disgraceful disregard of our country’s laws yesterday made me realise the virus could have been picked up anywhere we came into contact with people such as this.

The anger inside me has been boiling for a long time. People may say it is part of the grieving process. This is most certainly not the case. My anger stems from those I see on TV and in public blatantly disregarding simple processes that could save so many lives.

I would like to appeal to people who read your newspapers to think very carefully about the importance of both wearing masks, sanitising and maintaining social distances.

We cannot afford at this crucial stage to disregard basic, simple precautions.

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