Watch: Local educator is a gem of an opera singer

He recently composed a mini-opera for TUT which was performed at their first TUT Arts Festival.


Right here in Boksburg, you will find a professional opera singer who has sung all over the world, having taking part in several music competitions and performances.

Neville Smith, head of the music department at St Dominic’s, was born and bred in Tembisa. He has been an educator at the private school in Boksburg for the last three years.

When asking about his love for music and the opera genre, Smith said it literally happened overnight.

“I was studying to become a movie director. I went to a concert one day and opera singers were performing. I fell in love with opera so much that I actually dropped out of my studies and chose a life of music. A decision I will never regret.”

He studied opera (vocal art) at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT).

“Other than the fact that opera is the most beautiful music art form, in my opinion, I love the discipline it inculcates in a person.”

Smith harbours big dreams of running his own opera company.

“This will afford me the opportunity to do what I love while creating an opportunity for other up-and-coming singers.”

Smith advised young singers and musicians to know the difference between dreams and goals.

“Don’t have dreams about the future because some people enjoy their dreams so much that they don’t wake up from the sleep. Wake up, set goals and work on them,” said Smith.

Smith is a dedicated teacher and said he enjoys the fact that he is part of the future.

“After all, someone will use what I teach today to change someone else’s life tomorrow.

“Dreams and goals come with challenges and it takes hard work to get where you want to be. I never studied music in school so it was hard for me to catch up with everyone who had a musical background at varsity.”

Smith can also play the guitar while he is still learning the piano.

“I’m a songwriter and arranger. I have arranged songs for quite a few big names so far but what I enjoy most is classical composition.”


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