PRINT AND KEEP: Valuable information when contacting 10 111, emergency services

When phoning 10111 or any other emergency service, it is often found that the operator gets the street name and address incorrect.

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The following information was shared on a local a WhatsApp group, to help residents to learn to spell your street name using phonetic alphabets – this way SAPS vans/vehicles as well as ambulances and fire trucks will be given a proper spelling of the street.

Also, make very sure that your home is clearly marked, as the numbers are all too often very difficult to see, which makes response time longer.

Always remember to give your closest SAPS station or suburb.

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The following phonetic alphabets are better understood by emergency services across the board:

A = Alpha, B = Bravo, C = Charlie, D = Delta, E = Echo, F = Foxtrot, G = Golf, H = Hotel, I = India, J = Juliet, K = Kilo, L = Lima. M = Mike, N = November, O = Oscar, P = Pappa, Q = Quebec, R = Romeo, S = Sierra, T = Tango, U = Uniform, V = Victor, W = Whiskey, X = X-ray, Y = Yankee, Z = Zulu.

The following abbreviation table is also used in creating awareness:

BOLO – Be On Look Out, MVA – Motor Vehicle Accident, MBA – Motorbike Accident, PVA – Pedestrian Vehicle Accident, LMV – Light Motor Vehicle (car/taxi), HMV – Heavy Motor Vehicle (truck/bus), LMVA – Light Motor Vehicle Accident, HMVA – Heavy Motor Vehicle Accident, Standby – Reporting, get back to you now, Mobile/En route – On the way, EMS – Emergency Services, ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival, LDV – Light Duty Vehicle (Car/Bakkie)

DUI – Driving Under the Influence

Emergency numbers:

ER 24 – 084 124

Netcare911 – 082911

Pulsate 082 714 2446

AA Emergency Rescue – 082 16 111

AMS Help line – 080 001 2322

Ambulance & Fire Department – 10177

Medical rescue – 083 1999

Flying squad – 10111

Child line – 080 005 5555

Women abuse – 080 015 0150

Poison: 0800 334 44

Cell emergency – 112

Crime stop – 086 001 0111

Please make sure you have your local police station’s number and the sector van number. In case of emergencies you can get hold of a sector van patrolling in your area.

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