East Rand United suffer another league match loss

East Rand United has lost in a lot of matches throughout the league.

East Rand United (ERU) suffered another blow in the league, losing 52-16 to Northwest University (NWU) on home soil on June 3.

NWU piled on pressure from the start with Dyllan Smit scoring a try following a good run in the middle of the field.

Johandre Vosloo increased the points tally for NWU to 10-0. Smit rubbed salt in ERU’s wounds with his second try, which he converted, for a 17-0 lead.

The home side immediately responded with Brandon Mkhwanazi scoring a try. Cameron Rooi converted a penalty.
NWU replied with a try by Ruan Oosthuizen, converted by Smit. Ndyebo Dintsi followed suit and scored a try with Anrich Richter converting.

The visiting side led 31-8 at halftime.

ERU and NWU players in a scrum.

Mashudu Mafuma scored a try for ERU immediately in the second half. NWU continued to play good rugby, with Smit scoring another try, which he converted.

Thabani Kiva converted a penalty for the home side, but by that time the scoreline was a daunting 38-16 in favour of NWU|.

NWU scored two more tries to show their dominance on the day.

The chairperson of ERU, Marius de Vos, said the club is losing a lot of matches because it’s affected by historical inequalities.

“The community members from the informal settlements surrounding the stadium are vandalising the infrastructure of the stadium, because of service delivery issues.

“They stole the power cables including the lights a few weeks ago at the stadium and that is affecting our training schedules. It’s not the only issue that’s affecting the club.”

He added that the club lacks funds to get players to practice and also attend matches.

“We still competing in the league without a sponsor. The club has improved its performance recently due to the players that have joined the club. We are planning to have a few fundraising initiatives in collaboration with Aida Property Agents and Dj Boltin to resolve some of the issues we have as a team. Our first fundraiser will be on July 14,” said Marius.

Marius said he would like to thank all the people who have donated items to the club, including players.

Also Read: Springs trap oor ERU

Also Read:ERU benodig steeds finansiële bystand



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