Teen grades to first black belt

"We are very proud of Seth. We know he will achieve a lot more in both competitive karate and attaining higher grades."

An elated sensei Mike Forner raved about his 14-year old karateka Seth Dickson who graded to shodan on March 18.

The Benoni JKA Karate chief instructor said it was because of the youngster’s dedication and commitment to the sport that he has graded to his first black belt this early in his career.

“Karate is a way of life and this is the true beginning of his journey. We are very proud of Seth. We know he will achieve a lot more in both competitive karate and attaining higher grades.

“We wish him well and encourage him to continue on this path,” said Forner.

Forner added that Seth, who turns 15 in August, is an inspiration to the youngsters at his dojo at the Northfield Methodist Church, and that his positive outlook has rubbed off positively to the club’s students.

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Also Read: Dojo awards outstanding karatekas


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