
Get to know Boksburg Bowling Club’s president

The Advertiser spoke to the new president to find out more about her.

Impala Park’s Mary Harwood (75) was recently named the new president of the Boksburg Bowling Club.

The Advertiser knocked on the door of the retired credit manager to find out more about her.

How long have you been involved with the Boksburg Bowling Club?
I joined in 2011. I wasn’t president last year, but I was president of the club from 2013 to 2016 during the time ERPM lost their club and merged with our club and we celebrated our centenary.

Did you also hold a sporting position before joining the Boksburg Bowling Club?
Yes, I was a member of ERPM Bowling Club, which is now closed.

What are you looking at bringing to the club?
New members and a happy and friendly club.

What steps can be taken for a person wanting to join the club to play some bowls?
Contact me on 082 083 3772 and I can make arrangements with he or she. Our next bowls day will be on September 11 at 13:30. There will also be a bowls day every Wednesday starting at 10:00.

How long is a bowling season?
We bowl the whole year round, but we do have a closed season for about one month after our AGM, but still bowl.
What’s your favourite sport, and why?

Who’s your favourite sportsman, and why?
Tennis player Novak Djokovic. He is talented and humble and never forgets his roots.

Do you have any hidden talents?
I don’t have any hidden talents that I know about.

How would your friends and family describe you?
Outgoing, friendly and helpful.

Tell us a few interesting facts about yourself.
I enjoy doing crosswords and I like to gamble. 

Also Read: Boksburg Bowling Club walk away with numerous accolades

Also Read: Bowling is back!


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